More Than Traditional Recovery Audit

About SpendMend

At SpendMend, we go above and beyond traditional cost recovery delivering Spend Visibility across an entire organization. We uncover hidden data and use our industry expertise to help find the root cause of Financial Leakage and provide a Path to Prevention – mending future loss.

Results When You Partner with SpendMend

  • Compliance Visibility
  • Idendtify Control Breakdowns
  • Full Medical Device Warranty and Tracking Compliance
  • Help Create Remediation Plans
  • Receive Advanced Analytics
  • Benchmarking Against Peers
  • Recovery of Lost Revenue

Services SpendMend Provides

  • Recovery Audit
  • Medical Devices Warranty & Tracking
  • Pharmacy Cost Optimization & 340b Compliance
  • Wireless Device Management
  • Sales & Use Tax

Ask Us…

How our insights and analytics provide measurable results

Why over 1797 hospitls have chosen us

How we delivered over $213M for our clients last year

Why illuminating Dark Data is the key to uncovering Financial Leakage

Find Our Team Members

David Hewitt

Regional VP of Sales – Northeast


Logan Walsh

Regional VP of Sales – West
