Download the White Paper:

U.S. Hospitals Facing Steep Penalities For Medical Device Non-Compliance

The OIG has promised Congress $1 Billion in fines from hospitals relating to Medical Device credits and reimbursement. They are not letting anything slide and have already fined some hospitals over $14 Million. Can your hospital afford a $14,000,000+ fine?

Read this paper and learn how this all started, the rules, where breakdowns occur, and ways to reduce your hospital’s risk.

Download the White Paper

Want to Learn More?

Watch the webinar

U.S. Hospitals Facing Steep Penalities For Medical Device Non-Compliance

Based on the same topic a panel of experts answers your questions about their experience with OIG Medical Device Warranty Audit and Tracking, compliance requirements, best practices, and more.

Want to Learn How Else SpendMend Helps Medical Device Warranty & Tracking?