Overview of What You Will Learn

In this webinar Jennifer Hagen, Vice President of Compliance will point out how key requirements of the newly released FY23 HRSA 340B Audit Data Request List require new strategies to remain HRSA audit ready. She will discuss new tools covered entities should have to be HRSA audit ready. Then briefly formulate auditor expectations that occur during the HRSA 340B audit.
The rest is up to you… Please join Jennifer for the latest on becoming HRSA 340B audit ready.

Attendees of this webinar will gain expert insights on the following:

  • Identify key requirements of the HRSA 340B Data Request List and how recent updates require new strategies to remain audit ready.

  • Explain the tools covered entities should have to be HRSA audit ready and the staffing resources and time necessary to develop each.

  • Formulate auditor expectations during the HRSA 340B audit.

Watch the Webinar

About the Speakers

Jennifer Hagen, PharmD, 340B ACE

Vice President Pharmacy Services, Compliance, and Client Solutions

Jennifer is Vice President of Compliance Pharmacy Services at SpendMend, where she oversees an auditing team that has completed over 1700 audits and has assisted clients with over 125 HRSA audits. Jennifer previously served as an Ambulatory Pharmacy Services Director responsible for the 340B Program, Infusion Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, MTM, and Ambulatory Care Residency Program. She represented her Health System as a HRSA 340B Peer to Peer best practice site from 2012 to 2016 and was a faculty member of 340B University. Since joining Turnkey SpendMend Pharmacy, Jennifer has presented at 340B Coalition meetings from the vendor perspective, has been a contributing author for two of the Apexus Advanced 340B Operations Certificate Program update modules, and participated in the inaugural ACE luncheon at this Summer’s 340B Coalition.