You Can’t Afford to Wait!

Delaying your recovery audit even just 1 quarter is costing you $500,000 per every Billion you spend.  Learn more in this free 22-minute webisode

What you will learn

Timing really does make ALL the difference when it comes to recovering lost profits and credits in the healthcare industry. Observing the traditional practice of waiting 12-36 months to perform an in-depth review of payables and/or supplier receivables is both costly and wasteful. 

What you will get from this webinar

  1. View results from over 25 major healthcare networks
  2. Review deep dive analysis of four major counts
  3. Learn the true cost of delaying your recovery audit efforts
  4. Find out what you can do to avoid this profit loss

Watch Here

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Meet the Speakers

Rob Heminger

Rob Heminger


Rob is the President and mastermind behind SpendMend’s innovative advanced analytics. Rob will walk listeners through the difference in dollars recovered when starting a project sooner rather than later.

Joshua Kiel

Joshua Kiel

Audit Manager

Josh has managed more than 300 audits in his time at SpendMend and knows what best practices will benefit your organization. Josh will demonstrate how crucial it is for your healthcare organization to start closely inspecting the timing implications of your profit recovery efforts.

Want to Learn How Else SpendMend Helps Recover More?